Australian Coffee

Australian Coffee

Posted 2014-02-10 by Justine Crowleyfollow
High quality coffee served in an elegant building in Sydney

Australia is home to some quality arabica coffee beans, as well as the emergence of single origin coffee. This is cause for some celebration. Vittoria is one of the more well known coffee roasters in Australia, with an Italian influence. Likewise with Lavazza. Vittoria have been coffee connoisseurs for over 50 years. The lower the sea level where your coffee is grown in, the better the coffee is for you to drink.

Nonetheless our coffee culture has been influenced by the influx of Italian migration, and this is why Australia is home to quality that therefore contains a lot less caffeine. As our arabica coffee has just the right amount of caffeine to suit our palettes; this coffee does not leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth.

Those arabica coffee beans, we love them.

There is nothing wrong with the cheaper robusta coffee bean in Australia, however it has more caffeine, thereby resulting in a strong, bitter aftertaste in your palette.

Major Australian cities such as Sydney and Melbourne have noticed booms of many cafes roasting their own coffee. Think Single Origin Roasters in Sydney's Surry Hills, as well as organic coffee brands such as Campos. The latter coffee brand is all the rave in Sydney and Melbourne at the moment. Toby's Estate is also surging in popularity, judging by the number of people eagerly lining up for their daily caffeine hit at Westfield's in Sydney's Bondi Junction.

Muffin Break are known in the industry for sending many of their Baristas to coffee school

We have deviated from our American counterparts when it comes to naming our espresso coffees, namely of which you buy at cafes. The Americano in Australia is either known as the long or short black, depending on how strong you want your coffee.

Our expectations for quality coffee is high. Barista's are expected to go to coffee school. This is the only way to learn the finest latte art with that temperature stick coffee connoisseurs use when frothing milk. We expect our barista's to clean the coffee machines twice a day.

Quality coffee at a Sydney food hall

Australia, in case you find your cappuccino a little too milky - keep this in mind, on what constitutes the right cappuccino:

  • One third brewed coffee
  • One third milk
  • One third froth
  • Sprinkle of quality chocolate, as opposed to chocolate powder.

  • Stronger coffee, yet still derived from the arabica coffee bean.

    Bear in mind that being a good barista takes patience and love. Good barista's in Australia know how to froth the milk at the right temperature without over-burning and over-frothing the milk for starters. Then it also boils down to the grinding and plunging of the coffee bean. This is why great barista's in Australia are on speed dial to the likes of a good plumber to name.


    254645 - 2023-07-19 08:45:42


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